It is usually used in the complex treatment of various diseases (along with other treatment methods) and accelerates recovery. When used for preventive purposes, electrophoresis can be used independently.
Electrophoresis is widely used in such diseases:
• during pathologies of joints and bones (arthritis, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, spinal column protrusions and tears)
• during ENT diseases (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis)
• during inflammations and diseases of the female reproductive system (endocervicitis, endometriosis, endometritis, colpitis, cervical erosion)
• during prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis
• in the treatment of chronic bronchitis
• diseases of the cardiovascular system
• atherosclerosis
• hypertension
• hypotonia
• in the treatment of scars and adhesions formed after surgery, trauma, inflammation
• nervous system pathologies (radiculitis, neuralgia, etc.), sleep disorders, neurosis, migraine
• stretching and damage of tendons, edema, pain syndrome
• electrophoresis is widely used in pediatrics